Basic shell scripting

Yuwei BaoSeptember 28, 2022

Here are some notes from attending LSU basic shell scripting trainingopen in new window

What can you do with a shell?

Check the current shell

echo $SHELL

List available shells on the system

cat /etc/shells

Change to another shell

exec sh

Date and time


wget: get online files


Compile and run applications

gcc hello.c –o hello

Quotation - Examples

str1='echo $USER'
echo $str1
echo $USER
str2="echo $USER"
echo $str2
echo ybao2
str3=`echo $USER`
echo $str3

GNU basic calculator (bc) external calculator

Add two numbers

echo "3.8 + 4.2" | bc

Divide two numbers and print result with a precision of 5 digits:

echo "scale=5; 2/5" | bc

Arrays Operations


declare -a my_array
my_array=("Alice" "Bill" "Cox" "David")

Print the whole array


Delete the entire array

unset my_array

File Operations

File existsif [ -e test ]
File is a regular fileif [ -f test]
File is a directoryif [ -d /home ]
File is not zero sizeif [ -s test ]
File has read permissionif [ -r test ]
File has write permissionif [ -w test ]
File has execute permissionif [ -x test ]

Integer Comparisons

Equal toif [ 1 –eq 2 ]
Not equal toif [ $a –ne $b ]
Greater thanif [ $a –gt $b ]
Greater than or equal toif [ 1 –ge $b ]
Less thanif [ $a –lt 2 ]
Less than or equal toif [ $a –le $b ]

Integer Comparisons

Equal toif [ $a == $b ]
Not equal toif [ $a != $b ]
Zero length or nullif [ -z $a ]
Non zero lengthif [ -n $a ]

Logical Operators

! (NOT)

if [ ! –e test ]

&& (AND)

if [ -f test] && [ -s test ] 
if [[ -f test && -s test ]]
if ( -e test && ! –z test )

| (OR)

if [ -f test1 ] || [ -f test2 ] 
if [[ -f test1 || -f test2 ]]


for loop example

for arg in `seq 1 4` 
    echo $arg;
    touch test.$arg

How to delete test files using a loop?

rm test.[1-4]

While loop example

read counter
while [ $counter -ge 0 ]
do let counter--
    echo $counter

Until loop example

read counter
until [ $counter -lt 0 ]
do let counter--
    echo $counter

Advanced text processing commands

  • grep
  • sed
  • awk

grep & egrep

  • grep: Unix utility that searches through either information piped to it or files.
  • egrep: extended grep, same as grep –E
  • zgrep: compressed files.
  • Usage: grep <options> <search pattern> <files>
-iignore case during search
-r,-Rsearch recursively
-vinvert match i.e. match everything except pattern
-llist files that match pattern
-Llist files that do not match pattern
-nprefix each line of output with the line number within its input file.
-A numprint num lines of trailing context after matching lines.
-B numprint num lines of leading context before matching lines.

grep examples:

Grep operator examplesopen in new window

Search files NOT containing the word bash in current directory

grep -v bash *

Repeat above search using a case insensitive pattern match and print line number that matches the search pattern

grep -in bash *

Test file: employee.txt

cat employee.txt
100  Thomas  Manager    Sales       $5,000
200  Jason   Developer  Technology  $5,500
300  Raj     Sysadmin   Technology  $7,000
500  Randy   Manager    Sales       $6,000

grep OR

  1. Grep OR Using |
grep 'Man\|Sales' employee.txt
  1. Grep OR Using -E
grep -E "Man|Sales" employee.txt
  1. Grep OR Using egrep
egrep "Man|Sales" employee.txt
100  Thomas  Manager    Sales       $5,000
500  Randy   Manager    Sales       $6,000

grep AND

grep -E 'Dev.*Tech' employee.txt


-ecombine multiple commandsssubstitution
-fread commands from filegglobal replacement
-hprint help infopprint
-ndisable printiignore case
-Vprint version infoddelete
-ruse extended regexGadd newline
wwrite to file
xexchange pattern with hold buffer
hcopy pattern to hold buffer
;separate commands

sed examples

Test file:


# My First Script

echo "Hello World!"

change the word First to Second

  1. Add flag -e to carry out multiple matches.
cat | sed -e 's/bash/tcsh/g' -e 's/First/Second/g'
  1. Alternatively
sed 's/bash/tcsh/g; s/First/Second/g'

# My Second Script

echo "Hello World!"

The default delimiter is slash (/), can be changed

sed 's:/bin/bash:/bin/tcsh:g'

# My First Script

echo "Hello World!"

Delete blank lines from a file

sed '/^$/d'
# My First Script
echo "Hello World!"

Delete line nn through mm in a file

sed '2,4d'
echo "Hello World!"

Insert a blank line below every line matches pattern

sed '/First/G'

# My First Script

echo "Hello World!"

Insert a blank line above and below every line matches pattern

sed '/First/{x;p;x;G}'

Actual result

sed: 1: "/First/{x;p;x;G}": extra characters at the end of G command

Expected result

# My First Script 
echo "Hello World!"


awk Syntax

awk pattern {action}

  • awk reads the file being processed line by line.
  • The entire content of each line is split into columns with space or tab as the delimiter.
  • $0 Print the entire line, use.
  • NR #records (lines)
  • NF #fields or columns in the current line.
  • By default the field delimiter is space or tab. To change the field delimiter use the -F<delimiter> command.

awk examples

11:02  up 115 days, 22:07, 1 user, load averages: 5.40 5.32 5.19
uptime | awk -F, '{print $1}'
11:02  up 115 days