GEM - mappability
GEM mappability [1] is a tool to estimate genome mappability and here is a tutorial by Dmytro Kryvokhyzha [2]. Thanks to Nick Riddiford for sharing his insights and scripts [3].
Why do we want to obtain the genome mappable region?
In the paper Fast Computation and Applications of Genome Mappability [1:1], the authors mentioned these three major reasons:
- Mappability information can be used as a prior to optimize an HTS experiment then to increase the number of uniquely mappable reads.
- Mappability information is essential when producing qualitative estimates.
- Mappability information is important when there is a need to re-sequence a particualr genomic region, or to produce quantitative estimates of transcript abundance from RNASeq experiments.
How do we obtain the genome mappable region?
Following the tutorial by Dmytro Kryvokhyzha [2:1], we can get GEM
mappability and convert it to BED
1. Download GEM library
tar -xvf GEMTools-static-i3-1.7.1.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/PATH_TO/gemtools-1.7.1-i3/bin
2. Estimate GEM mappability
gem-indexer -T 10 -i reference.genome.fa -o OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX
gem-indexer Parameters
Parameter | Meaning | Other info |
-i | input_file | (mandatory) |
-o | index_output_prefix | (mandatory) |
-T --threads | thread_number | (for the BWT generator, default=1) |
gem-mappability -T 10 -I OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX.gem -l 150 -o OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX_mappability_150
gem-mappability Parameters
Parameter | Meaning | Other info |
-I | index_prefix | (mandatory) |
-l | read_length | (mandatory) |
-o | output_prefix | (mandatory) |
-T | thread_number | (default=1) |
The reasons Dmytro use -T 10
and -l 150
: "I used a 150bp kmer size because my data was generated with 150bp read length. Also, I run it on 10 cores (-T 10). You can change these options to fit your needs."
3. Convert GEM mappability to BED
gem-2-wig -I OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX.gem -i OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX_mappability_150.gem.mappability -o OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX_mappability
gem-2-wig Parameters
Parameter | Meaning | Other info |
-I --index | archive_file | (mandatory) |
-l --input | mappability_file | (mandatory) |
-o | output_prefix | (mandatory) |
4. Merge overlapping intervals in BED
Dmytro wrote a python script [4] to merge overlapping mappability intervals.
python ~/git/genotype-files-manipulations/ -i OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX_mappability_150.bed -o OUT_FOLDER/PREFIX_mappability_150.merged.bed -v 0
where -v
defines the overhang size between intervals.
For more details, please visit Dmytro Kryvokhyzha's post: [2:2]
Summary script
# Input files
# Personalize parameters: threads (N) and read length (RL)
gem-indexer -T $N -i $ref -o $out/$pre
gem-mappability -T $N -I $out/$pre.gem -l $RL -o $out/$pre\_mappability\_$RL
gem-2-wig -I $out/$pre.gem -i $out/$pre\_mappability\_$RL.gem.mappability -o $out/$pre\_mappability ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎