Use bwa, samtools for aligning reads to reference genome
The very first step of variant calling analysis is to align sequences.fastq
to its reference genome reference_genome.fasta
This can be done using the bwa
[1] then followed by the tool samtools
For example, to align illumina paired-ends reads to its reference genome using bwa mem
bwa mem reference_genome.fasta read1.fastq read2.fastq > output.sam
However, we want to convert sam to bam to save disc space, add additional information, mark duplicates, and index the bam file prior to use variant calling tools. Thus, we use samtools
samtools view # Convert SAM to BAM
samtools sort # Sort the BAM files according to their placement in the reference genome
samtools index # Index the BAM files
samtools merge # Merge multiple sorted BAM into a single BAM
and samtools
together without saving the intermediate SAM files
Use Reference: Dr. Eric C. Anderson's Bioinformatics Handbook [3]
bwa mem genome.fna R1.fq R2.fq |
samtools view -u - | # convert the SAM output from bwa mem into BAM format
samtools sort -l 9 - -o output_file.bam # take stdin as the input, sort it, and write (with the best
# compression possible: -l 9) the output to output_file.bam
Practice with one job in one step
Get the example SAM data:
mkdir -p results/sam
mv s001---1.sam results/sam/
Convert SAM to BAM:
samtools view -b results/sam/s001---1.sam > results/sam/s001---1.bam
Compare the size of SAM and BAM:
du -h results/sam/*
Read the alignments in a BAM file (without header)
samtools view results/sam/s001---1.bam
Read the alignments in a BAM file (with header)
samtools view -h results/sam/s001---1.bam
Read only the header in a BAM file
samtools view -H results/sam/s001---1.bam
Sort the BAM file in order of their placement in the reference genome
samtools sort -l 9 -o results/sam/ results/sam/s001---1.bam
Check how samtools sort
makes changes:
samtools view -H results/sam/ | head # @HD VN:1.6 SO:coordinate
samtools view -H results/sam/ | tail -n 10 # @PG line stored the commands
Index a bam:
samtools index results/sam/ # Create
Merge multiple sorted BAM files into a single BAM file:
samtools merge [options] output-bam-name.bam sorted-input-bam-1.bam sorted-input-bam-2.bam ..
Check the mapping statistics on a BAM:
samtools flagstats results/sam/
Practice with multiple jobs in one step
# remove the .bam .srt.bam files:
rm results/sam/s001---1.bam results/sam/
# now, directly make a sorted BAM file at results/sam/
# by piping samtools view output into samtools sort. Note the use
# of -u for uncompressed BAM output, and the - at the end of the
# line, instead of a file name, to mean take
# input from stdin instead of a file
samtools view -u results/sam/s001---1.sam | \
samtools sort -l 9 -o results/sam/ -