Quality control and trim for fastqs

Yuwei BaoMarch 19, 2023

Before starting aligning the fastqs to the reference genome, we need to do the important step of quality control. Here we use two tools, Fastqc [1] as a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data and fastp [2] as a comprehensive tool for filtering bad reads and trimming adapter.

0. Prepare the fastqs

When samples were sent for sequencing, they may be labeled differently from their original sample name. To keep our analysis clear, let's first rename all fastqs with their sample names.

List files with paths in Linux

Full path

find "$PWD"

Relative path

find .
# Create the dict with format sample name:lable name
find . | grep "fq.gz" | sed 's=./==;s=_1.fq.gz==;s=_2.fq.gz==;' | sed 's=/=:=' | sort | uniq > sample_label_dict.txt

mkdir raw_fq
for i in $(cat sample_label_dict.txt)
    sample=$(echo $i | cut -d ":" -f 1)
    label=$(echo $i | cut -d ":" -f 2)

    ln -s $WD/$sample/$label\_1.fq.gz $out/$sample\_1.fq.gz
    ln -s $WD/$sample/$label\_2.fq.gz $out/$sample\_2.fq.gz


1. Use FastQC to see the original quality of fastqs

mkdir fastQC
mkdir Shfiles
mkdir Log


for i in $(ls $FQ_DB/* );
    do SAMPLE=$(echo $i|sed 's=raw_fq/==;s/.fq.gz//')
    sed "s/Hi/$SAMPLE\_QC/" Model.sh > Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_QC.sh
    echo fastqc -o fastQC   -t 7 $i  >> Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_QC.sh
    sbatch Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_QC.sh

1.5 Summarize results from FastQC

Copyright: Karobben's bolg: https://karobben.github.io/

This part was created by my excellent colleague Karobben [3]. In the result html of FastQC, we can see a graph like this [1:1]:

FastQC_graph Karobeen implemented tools like web scrapping, R, and Python to save our time of looking at individual quality control html result produced by FastQC.

A. Create a csv storing the information

import os
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def Tab_grep(Sample):
    html = open(Sample).read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features='lxml')
    Summary = soup.find_all('div',{"class":"summary"})[0]
    Reu_l = [Sample]
    Cla_l = ["Sample"]
    for line in Summary.find_all("li"):
        Cla_l += [line.get_text()]
        Reu_l += [str(line).split('"')[1]]
    Result_TB = pd.DataFrame([Reu_l], columns=Cla_l)
    return Result_TB

Result_TB = pd.DataFrame()
for Sample in [i for i in os.listdir() if "fastqc.html" in i]:
    Result_TB = pd.concat([Result_TB, Tab_grep(Sample)])


B. Plot information in R


TB <- read.csv("QC.csv")[-1]
TB_P <- melt(TB, id.vars = "Sample")
ggplot() +   geom_tile(data= TB_P, aes(Sample,variable, fill= value))

C. Save the per sequence GC content plots in one file

import os
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def Pic_save(Sample, OUT="/home/wliu15/OUT.md"):
    html = open(Sample).read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features='lxml')
    F = open(OUT,"a")
    F.write(str(soup.find('img',{"alt" : "Per base sequence content"})))

for Sample in [i for i in os.listdir() if "fastqc.html" in i]:

D. Summarize the overrepresented sequences

import pandas as pd

TB = pd.DataFrame()
for Sample in [i for i in os.listdir() if "fastqc.html" in i]:
    if len(pd.read_html(Sample))!=1:
        TMP = pd.read_html(Sample)[1]
        TMP['Sample'] = Sample
        TB = pd.concat([TB, TMP])

These sequences can be used to BLAST [4] to determine potential contamination cause.

For how the results look like and more bioinformatics skills, check Karobben's bolgopen in new window

2. Use fastp to cut bad reads and trim adapters


mkdir fastp_fq

for i in $(cat sample_label_dict.txt)
do SAMPLE=$(echo $i | cut -d ":" -f 1)
   sed "s/Hi/$SAMPLE\_fq/" Model.sh >> Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_fp.sh
   echo fastp -i $FQ_DB/$SAMPLE\_1.fq.gz -I $FQ_DB/$SAMPLE\_2.fq.gz -o $out/$i\_1.fq.gz -O $out/$SAMPLE\_2.fq.gz > Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_fp.sh
   echo mv fastp.html $out/$SAMPLE\_fastp.html > Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_fp.sh
   echo mv fastp.json $out/$SAMPLE\_fastp.json > Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_fp.sh

   sbatch Shfiles/$SAMPLE\_fp.sh

Supplementary [3:1]


#SBATCH --qos=normal            # Quality of Service
#SBATCH --job-name=Hi       # Job Name
#SBATCH --time=1-0:00:00         # WallTime
#SBATCH --nodes=1               # Number of Nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1     # Number of tasks (MPI processes)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1	# Number of threads per task (OMP threads)
#SBATCH --output=Log/Hi.out	  ### File in which to store job output

  1. https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/open in new window ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. https://github.com/OpenGene/fastpopen in new window ↩︎

  3. Karobben blog: Collect FastqQC results by pythonopen in new window ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgiopen in new window ↩︎